Our school uniforms are available online from NZ Uniforms (Click here).

We have a large number of good quality second hand garments at school. Please contact the office to orgainse a time to view. Please email the school office office@stanthony.ac.nz or phone 06 376 8523.

It's easy to order online - click on the link to the right of this page and register your details, go to the "Products" page. The website will guide you through the ordering process.​​​​​​​ If you don't wish to register your details you can purchase as a Guest. The NZ Uniforms website is: https://stanthonyspahiatua.nzuniforms.com/.  For any issues with your order please contact NZ Uniforms  04 282 1199.

Students wear Summer Uniform in Terms 1 and 4.

Students wear Winter Uniform in Terms 2 and 3. 

When wearing the school uniform students are expected to uphold the school values.

Boys & Girls Items (Summer and Winter)

•  St Anthony's School jacket (optional)

•  School woollen jersey - navy OR

•  St Anthony's School fleece

•  Black school shoes OR black school sandals

Boys & Girls PE Uniform (Summer and Winter)

•  St Anthony's School PE t-shirt

•  Sport shorts - navy

•  White ankle turnover socks OR white quarter crew socks

•  sports shoes

•  Tracksuit pants - navy

Boys Summer Uniform

•  Short sleeved polo shirt - navy

•  Summer shorts - grey

•  Wide brim hat - navy

•  Plain white quarter crew socks or knee high navy turnover socks

Girls Summer Uniform

•  Polo shirt - white or navy

•  School tartan tunic OR tartan skort OR tartan skirt

•  Navy wide brim hat

•  White ankle turnover socks or navy knee high socks

Boys Winter Uniform

•  Skivvy - navy OR longed sleeved polo shirt - navy

•  Winter shorts - dark grey

•  Navy knee high turnover socks

•  Black school shoes

Girls Winter Uniform

•  Skivvy - navy OR long sleeved polo shirt - navy

•  School tartan tunic OR tartan skort OR tartan skirt

•  Tights or knee high socks - navy

•  Black school shoes

School Uniform Expectation

Uniform needs to be clean and in a good condition (no rips).  Please note, these are the uniform items particular for St Anthony’s School so we do not want variations of these please.


Hair should be tidy.  To tie hair back use a simple hair tie that reflects the school uniform colours.  Hair needs to be tied and/or clipped back to ensure that it does not cover their face.


Students may wear simple stud earrings that are gold, silver or uniform colours.

Students may wear a wrist watch.  A necklace of spiritual or cultural significance may be worn.

No make-up or nail polish to be worn.